Scopus, Web of Science, Elsvier, РИНЦ, OAK ro'yxatidagi jurnallar
“Announce your research at national and international conferences..
Our organization is engaged not only in the publication of scientific papers in international journals but also is gaining articles for international conferences. It is known that the exchange of scientific experience and knowledge is possible not only when published in journals included in sc...
All scientists who are engaged in scientific activities and want to publish their work in international journals included in the Scopus scientometric database should know the rules of design and the necessary criteria for the selected journal. The article must be correctly subtracted and edited befo...
Verification of uniqueness is one of the most important criteria when publishing to international databases like Scopus or Web of Science (WoS), VAK. Such checks on the originality of articles in journals can be performed using special software programs. The article must have unique conten...
If you want to publish your scientific work in international journals, then you will certainly come across the issue of translation of an article. A translation of a document or any text is different from a translation of a scientific text. Also, when translating, it is important to preserve the aut...
In addition to such major scientometric databases as Scopus, Web of Science (Wos) and the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC), there is another large resource for the search and citation of scientific materials, such as RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index). RSCI is a bibliographic platform, one ...
Today, all scientists in the world need to publish their research for professional development and career growth. When defending a dissertation, an obligatory requirement is an article in peer-reviewed editions of the Higher Attestation Commission. The reason for this is the necessary exchange of sc...
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