Вы знайте, что такое РИНЦ  (Российский индекс научного цитирования) ?

RSCI - National Information and Analytical System, accumulating information on publications and citations of Russian authors from the eLIBRARY.RU system.  In recent years, other types of scientific publications have also begun to be included in the RSCI: reports at conferences, monographs, study guides, patents, and dissertations.  RSCI - National Information and Analytical System, accumulating information on publications and citations of Russian authors from the eLIBRARY.RU syste...

 Do you know about Google Scholar?

 Google Scholar provides a full-text search for scientific publications of all formats and disciplines.  Scholar’s   search principles are the same as in regular Google, but the publications found here will be listed in order of the author’s rating, the number of links that are associated with the relevant publications, their relationship to other scientific literature, and the publication rating of the journal in which she  printed.  For the publication f...


Transliteration is the exact transfer of characters from one writing to characters of another writing, in which each character (or sequence of characters) of one writing system is transmitted by the corresponding character (or sequence of characters) of another writing system.  The obligatory English version of the references (References) is placed in the article immediately after the list of Russian-language (source) links and is prepared by the author of the article from Russian-langua...

Difficulties in publishing articles

About 98 percent of scientific work in the field of education is refused.  We explain why many educational scientific articles are not published abroad.  Unfortunately, education in many countries suffers from a lack of funding.  Because of this, educational technologies stand still: young specialists do not go into the profession, but prefer to work in areas where their work is adequately paid.  In general, the modern education system has become numb: reforms and new method...

Open Access

 Today, open access to research is an urgent topic in the global scientific community.  Open access (OA) - free, fast, constant, full-text real-time access to scientific and educational materials, implemented for any user in the global information network without any restrictions on access tools or  for further use.  The open access mode can be applied to all forms of published research results, including articles of peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed scientific journals,...

Research conducted within the framework of my doctoral thesis is very valuable

Research conducted within the framework of my doctoral thesis is very valuable.  It is valuable for the researcher who has spent a lot of time doing the work and for those who decide whether the study should merit a doctoral degree.  But can research be too expensive for a wider audience?  The answer is simple, yes, the basis of many successful scholarly books is a doctoral research.  Often the dissertation is published in the form of post-graduate journal articles.  In...