Based on the definition of the term, “dissertation” is an exclusively scientific work, the form of which is strictly defined.  The scientific and qualification nature of the dissertation should be prepared for scientific defense and subsequently obtaining a scientific degree.  Scientific research should be carried out directly by the author, and the work should be a collection of new scientific results and provisions.  Thus, the dissertation is a confirmati...


 “MY EDU ASSIST” convincingly asks scientific researchers and applicants to prepare and submit their scientific articles and monographs based on the results of scientific research planned for publication in international scientific journals indexed by foreign countries “Impact Factor”, “Scopus”, “ScienceDirect”  "And" Web of Science ":  @ Article title, surname, name and patronymic of authors, place of work, as we...


 On October 8, 2019, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed Decree UE No. 5847 "ON APPROVING THE CONCEPT OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN UNTIL 2030".  According to this decree,  it was proposed to develop and submit for approval to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan an action plan providing for the inclusion of at least 10 higher educational institutions of the republic in the first 1,000 p...


An obligatory part of any scientific publication, be it an article, a monograph, a dissertation, or even abstracts, is an indication of the objectives of the study. In this article, we will show why a correctly formulated goal is the key to the success of scientific work.   The purpose of scientific research is to answer the question why this experiment is being conducted. The scientist must formulate the significance of the result that he hopes to obtain after completion of the work....

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Scopus is a bibliographic and abstract database and a tool for tracking the citation of articles published in scientific journals. Scopus - today it indexes 24 thousand titles of scientific publications in technical, medical and humanitarian sciences and 5 thousand publishers are concentrated. The Scopus database is positioned by the Elsevier Publishing Corporation as the world's largest universal abstract database with the ability to track the scientific citation of publications. ...