JOURNAL OF ECONOMY, TOURISM AND SERVICE is open access, a peer-reviewed research platform for researchers from broad areas. Journal has been focused on service sector development, in major tourism and economical sciences have been diffused by scholars from all around the world.
JOURNAL OF HEALTHCARE AND LIFE-SCIENCE RESEARCH is orginized on specific medical research to get better excellence from life sciences and helath related investigations in research.
JOURNAL OF THEORY, MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS is open access, a peer-reviewed monthly published periodical that focused on applied sciences. Journal has targeted theoretical aspects of the mathematical sciences and physics to reach better deployment for academic purposes.
The JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, MECHANICS AND MODERN ARCHITECTURE (JEEMA) is a monthly, peer-reviewed research journal on technical sciences. The JEMMA is covered engineering, mechanics, architectural security, and life safety-oriented research articles and qualified papers. Journal is based on Open Access Policy which means all research results are accessible to researchers, readers, and librarians.
The JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, ETHICS AND VALUE is established to create an opprtunity for science and research on multidisciplinary areas. On this case, JEEV is focused on education, ethics and value to make better development for the future research topics from different scholars of the world.
The Journal of Science, Research and Teaching (JSRT) is established to make excellence on academic and scientific areas of research. Journal seeks to work with scholars from a range of institutional affiliations, nationalities, and career stages. Organizing committee and editorial board members are committed to increasing diversity and inclusion in research and publishing from scholars and applicants of all ethnicities, races, religions, gender identities, national origins, disabilities, ages, or other individual statuses. Journal encourages all authors to engage with and cite sources by scholars and other writers from groups that are often excluded or ignored within academia. Additionally, we ask reviewers to consider, among other evaluation criteria, whether the citations for a given submission reflect the journal's commitment to diversity. We are committed to eliminating the influence of bias in our editorial and review processes and continually work toward identifying and implementing equitable practices for publishing in the Journal of Science, Research and Teaching.
Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Art (JICA) is an Open-Access, Peer-Reviewed, a Monthly Journal on Promoting and Fostering Innovation, Creativity, and Change in all fields of Endeavor. The Scientific Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Art is Included in Well-known Reputable Databases. Based on Aims and Scope Original, Research Rapers, Case Studies, Analytical and Periodical Articles are Published at all. The Main Subject Areas of Published Articles are Creativity, Arts, as well as Innovative Ideas on Education and Humanities.