Web of Science - abstract database (abbreviated WoS database) containing information about publications in indexed periodicals and conference proceedings. Magazines indexed in WoS are devoted to a wide range of topical issues within the framework of technical, natural, humanitarian and social sciences, which makes the base multidisciplinary.
This is a search фthat integrates abstract databases of publications and patents in scientific periodicals, including databases for mutual citation of publications. Thomson Reuters has been developing this citation index since April 2008. WoS provides information on all areas of knowledge, indexing: more than 12,000 journals, 120,000 different conference materials, over 4,400 sites.
WoS database is one of the most authoritative and complete repositories of bibliographic materials. It is a useful tool for creating a literary review when writing a scientific paper.
The vast majority of problems in assessing the effectiveness of scientific research in the world are solved precisely on the basis of WoS data. She wins the Scopus database in the depth and volume of her archive, in the thoroughness of the selection of journals and, as a result, in the greater credibility of journal indexes.
WoS has all the necessary elements of bibliographic content, such as information about the author, title of the document and source, abstracts of authors and others. Thus, in the WoS database, you can easily find who, when and where quoted this author and his publication. Despite the fact that the database site does not allow access to the full texts of articles, the user is given the opportunity to see the source data of the publication of interest or a magazine indexed in the database.The user sees the title, annotation and keywords of any article, on the basis of which he can decide whether to get acquainted with the full text. That is why it is so important when writing scientific articles to pay special attention to these three elements.
An article in the Web of Science is always a rigorous procedure in evaluating the work of a scientist. It is preceded by a multi-stage work on the preparation of the publication, which entails a large number of complex actions, a lot of time costs and financial investments. Also, some studies fail peer review and are rejected.
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